Australian Natural History Volume 21 Issue 07
Kakadu National Park: tourism and the future - Fox, Allan M. - 266
Rare and endangered: the numbat: digging in for a last stand - 272
Photoart: the Antipodean suite - Hall, Fiona, 1953- - 273
Vampirism: fact and fiction - Hand, Suzanne - 276
Shark netting: a costly security blanket - Hodgson, Lucy - 283
Forum: Balmain basket-weavers and the volvo set versus toorak tunnel vision - Williams, Robyn, 1944- - 286
Poster: Buff-breasted paradise-kingfisher - Boles, Walter - 289
Letters - 290
Mangroves, people and factories: Sydney's Bicentennial Park 1988 - O'Brien, Simon and Thorman, Rob - 291
Australian dinosaurs - 295
Densey Clyne looks at... processionary caterpillars - Clyne, Densey, 1922-2019 - 298
The cute or the ugly? Gould's long-eared bat - Woodside, Dedee - 300
Living monuments: Aboriginal carved trees of New South Wales - Bell, David and Wakelin-King, Zoë - 302
Going in to bat for Queensland flying-foxes - Lane, Ruth - 306
White-faced heron: the supreme generalist of Australia's herons - Davis, William E. Jr. - 308
Books - 311