Australian Museum Magazine Volume 13 Issue 09
Gemstones of Australia - Chalmers, R.O. (Robert Oliver) - 275
New Aboriginal exhibits at the Museum - McCarthy, Frederick D. (Frederick David), 1905-1997 - 279
The robber crab - a crustacean mystery - McNeill, Frank A. (Francis Alexander), 1896-1969 - 283
The blue wren - Rowley, Ian, 1926-2009 - 287
Uses of radioactivity in entomology and insect pest control - Day, M. F. (Maxwell Frank), 1915-2017; Bailey, S. W., Norris; K. R. (Kenneth Richard) - 291
Fossil insects - Evans, J. W. (John William), 1906-1990 - 294
Trigger plants - McAlpine, David K. - 297
Freak fishes - Whitley, Gilbert P. (Gilbert Percy), 1903-1975 - 298
Land and freshwater invertebrates of the Sydney area - Pope, Elizabeth C. (Elizabeth Carrington), 1912-1993 and McMichael, D. F. (Donald Fred), 1932-2017 - 302
William Holmes, the Australian Museum's first custodian - Whitley, Gilbert P. (Gilbert Percy), 1903-1975 - 306